Monday 13 October 2008

Initial Challenge Invitation

The initial invitations have been circulated to the twelve prospective inaugural club members. Their acceptance and predictions are eagerly awaited.

These are the rules....

The proposition:
We make independent predictions for five markets on 9th October 2009:
S&P closing price
Gold/$ 3pm London fix
WTI Crude Nov 09 session last
Fed Funds Rate close

We will convene for dinner on Saturday 10th October, 2009, at (-location disclosed to members only-)

We will compare the percentage differences from our predictions to the actual market levels on a combined basis.

The person with the highest percentage (furthest away) from the markets will pick up the wine bill.

The person second furthest away will pick up the food bill.

The person closest to the market will decide on the venue for the following year (2010).

(Partners, friends, etc. are of course more than welcome but will need to take care of their bills separately)

When all participating predictions have been received they will be posted here. We will endeavour to post periodic mark-to-markets!


Onur Sert said...

I am in .. :)

Somnambulist said...

Never in doubt TW ;-)

70steen said...

so these market are not like selling cheap knitted sweaters or handy household gadgets or smuggled fags then??

Somnambulist said...

Missed your comment 70s.. we could consider including the forward price of a variety of second-hand merchandise if you would like to join in.

To be honest, it's all any of us will be able to afford next year anyway!

70steen said...

I could do knitted items and 2nd hand gadets car booty style..however I would have to decline on the smuggled fags if that is ok (I know it is more profitable than a handy carrot slicer from K-Tel but I have my lively hood to consider...)